As a Naturopathic Doctor (ND), Homeopath (DiHom, C Hom), a Clinical Nutritionist (CN), an Applied Kinesiologist (BA), a Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Personal Trainer, Dr. Doty has extensive experience developing nutritional programs designed to meet each client’s unique metabolic and genetic needs. Additionally, his background as a health and fitness specialist gives him the knowledge to recognize sources of pain and illness, and the ability to develop proven solutions that deliver results.
You may be asking why Dr. Doty? Why not the other medical professionals I’ve considered? What makes Dr. Doty so unique is his ability to identify the mechanism which is causing your current health problem. Often, in the busy healthcare system we are most familiar with, many professionals spend little time with you and only focus on the surface. We’ve all been in a doctor’s office and have waited longer than the actual amount of time we see the healthcare professional. Dr. Doty spends a minimum of an hour with you in the initial consultation, and more time analyzing the results of the evaluation to create a program optimally suited for your needs.
Dr. Doty also has a unique and detailed understanding of the wide range of nutritional supplementation available to provide the body the support it needs. This differs widely from the advice you might typically receive from an untrained person at a health food store. By creating an optimal nutritional supplement regimen, your body is better balanced on the neural, hormonal and immune levels.
Dan’s Story For example, one of Dr. Doty’s clients, “Dan,” came to see Dr. Doty because Dan was suffering from severe, unrelieved stomach pain. Over the years, Dan had seen doctor after doctor in an attempt to alleviate the pain. Drugs were prescribed one after another without any results. Because nothing was working, Dan’s doctors felt that he was a hypochondriac and prescribed an anti-depressant drug. At this point, frustrated beyond belief, unnecessarily medicated and still in pain, Dan began to look for alternatives.
Dr. Doty learned that Dan’s pain began after he had taken a series of drugs to treat an ulcer and clear up a stomach infection. Dr. Doty dug deeper into Dan’s personal history and found that 10 years previously, Dan had injured his stomach in a car accident. And 15 years prior to this, he was playing on the school playground, tripped and hit his head on the blacktop, which caused a concussion. From that day on, Dan experienced headaches in the very spot where he had the concussion.
After reviewing the case very carefully, Dr. Doty felt the accumulated traumas over Dan’s lifetime weakened his body’s ability to recover, which built up to experiencing his current pain. Dr. Doty developed a protocol for Dan to deal with these traumas. Within 3 weeks, Dan’s stomach pain had subsided and the headaches he suffered for more than 30 years began to reduce in their intensity.
Without Dr. Doty’s identification of the mechanism that triggered Dan’s stomach pain, Dan would still be in pain!
Contact us for a free consultation.
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