"We are total advocates of Invision Health & Wellness Solutions, it is such a wonderful company and Dr. Doty was splendid. We were constantly in amazement at the level of knowledge and the ability of Dr. Doty to communicate with us [by phone] in a down-to-earth way."
- Mary B. Lakewood, CO

A Personalized, Comprehensive, Innovative Approach
Our personalized approach to health is one of the keys to achieving long-lasting and positive results.  Our initial focus evaluates your situation starting with a comprehensive health, diet, and lifestyle review. We also perform laboratory tests to evaluate your body chemistry.  The result is a customized plan designed to work both short and long-term.  Some approaches can include nutritional support, detoxification and body cleansing, lifestyle and environment changes.

Taking a page from Eastern medical philosophies – proven practices that are thousands of years old – we then look to the body and the natural solutions that can help your body reinvigorate its amazing healing power.

What to Expect from Your Experience with Invision Health & Wellness
During your first telephone appointment we will discuss all aspects of your health, including:

  • details of your main concerns
  • a comprehensive review of all systems
  • your medical history
  • your family medical history
  • discussion of your mental, emotional and spiritual well-being
  • dietary assessment
  • appropriate laboratory tests

You will realize:

  • a better understanding of the cause of your ailment
  • a plan designed specifically for you
  • a clear picture of your goals and how you can attain them
  • the peace of mind in knowing that you have one-on-one support

Take charge of your health today! Contact us for a free consultation.

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