“I highly recommend Invision Health & Wellness Solutions. Their one-on-one program single-handedly changed my life. At one point, I couldn’t even climb stairs without losing my breath and my legs burning, let alone play my favorite sport, hockey. After a short amount of time working with my advisor I am now back on the ice, playing hockey, climbing stairs, and am in a completely different level of health. A level of health I did not think was possible. I owe it all to Invision Health & Wellness... they live up to their name! ”
-Steven F. -
Golden, CO
“My energy has stayed together really well, through these long days
(7am to 10pm) of making my rounds during my residency. It is great thus
far, my classmates are dragging behind when they are on call and I feel
fine on only 2.5 hours sleep. My classmates can barely make it to 1pm
without getting loopy and/or looking like death.
-(Dr.) Ian M. -
Denver, CO
“I spent my whole life gradually becoming a sugar junkie, and I’m
beginning to realize how much of a mental, emotional and physical
roller coaster ride it has been. Now that I’m settling into what feels
like a balanced state, I’m amazed that I can drive by a fast food joint
or walk down the candy aisle in a store and not be tempted. My body
feels so satisfied finally. I even cheated this weekend at a barbecue
and was able to slip right back into balance the very next meal with no
problem. I can’t put into words fully how much this is changing my
life. You’ve probably heard this before, but I’m so excited that I felt
I should let you know. I’m looking forward to making more progress with
-Tom H. -
Littleton, CO
“We are total advocates of Invision Health & Wellness Solutions,
they are such a wonderful company and our advisor was splendid. We were
constantly in amazement at the level of knowledge and the ability of
our advisor to communicate with us in a down-to-earth way. We had been
very concerned about what our daughter should be eating. We have
followed the program and our daughter and entire home are healthier for
it. Thank you so much for being a reliable advisor for my family, we
are proud to be a part of your exclusive list of clients.
-Mary B. -
Lakewood, CO
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